Functions of the Kidneys in Dogs and Cats from safarivet

Kidney disease in dogs and cats is a common phenomenon, especially if they are aging. Symptoms do not usually show up until almost all the functions of the kidneys become impaired. However, there are a few things you can do or treatments that you can administer to help prolong your feline or canine’s life and to help them regain some of their kidney functions again.
Functions of the kidney
Just like human kidneys, your cat’s or dog’s kidneys help in balancing specific substances in the blood. They also filter out wastes in the body as urine. They are responsible for the maintenance of normal concentrations of water and salt in the body.
The kidneys also help in controlling blood pressure and assists in the sustenance of phosphorus levels while aiding calcium metabolism. They are known to manufacture a particular hormone — known as erythropoietin (EPO) — that promotes the production of red blood cells.
“The functions of the kidneys are numerous, and when something goes wrong, toxins start building up in the blood, and your pets will become ill.”
Symptoms of Kidney Problems in Dogs and Cats
Kidney failure is a sudden decline in function that generally occurs over a short period. Dogs can develop kidney problems when they ingest toxins, including tainted foods, antifreeze, some medications, etc. Cats may have a bacterial infection or abdominal injury, which leads to the development of kidney complications. These issues exert pressure on the bladder and kidneys of both dogs and cats.
Here are the common symptoms of kidney problems in dogs and cats:
• Depression and listlessness
• Lethargy
• Weakness and pale gums (Anemia)
• Mouth ulcers
• Weight loss and loss of appetite
• The chemical odor of the breath
• Dehydration (increased and sudden thirst)
• Trouble urinating or increase in urination
• Blood in urine
• Diarrhea and vomiting
• Stumbling, acting as if drunk
When the kidneys begin to fail, both cats and dogs will start feeling the need to drink a lot of water. This instinctive reaction occurs in a bid to flush out the excess toxins building up in the body which the kidneys find difficult to eliminate. Over time, not even the excessive intake of clean and fresh water can help to do away with those toxins. And that is when more serious issues rear their ugly heads.
When any of these symptoms begin to appear in your cat or dog, take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
Kidney Stones: A Disease of the Urinary System
There are 2 common types of kidney problems in cats and dogs: acute and chronic.
Another pet health problem which is a disease of the urinary system is kidney stones. Kidney stones are caused by Nephroliths, which are clusters of crystals or stones that are in the kidney or the urinary tract. This is why it is called the disease of the urinary system.
Nephroliths — or kidney stones in the bladder create blockages within the urinary tract which can be extremely painful and even life-threatening if it is not treated immediately.
The foundation of a very healthy pet is clean filtered water, a natural raw food diet, and wholesome pet supplements. You can prevent the dysfunction of your pets’ kidneys by limiting their exposure to toxins, harsh chemicals, and medications as much as possible.
Do not over-vaccinate your dog or cat, and stop using harsh tick or flea treatments. Avoid foods such as artificial flavors, grains, preservatives, etc., which pets find difficult to digest.
These best practices, if adhered to strictly, will go a long way in ensuring your pet stays alive, healthy, and active for as long as possible.